Halloween Survival Guide


7 tips for a mouth-healthy Halloween


For many Fort Collins families, Halloween means bags of free candy and a chance to stockpile sweets for the winter. That was certainly true for Dr. Anderson's family. But this sticky, sugar-powered holiday can also trigger concerns about children’s dental health. How can you let your kids enjoy Halloween while preventing future cavities?


Here are 7 healthy tips Dr. Anderson believes will help around Halloween and all year long.


1. Enjoy Halloween treats with meals

When it comes to sweets and your teeth, timing is everything. If you have a little candy with meals (or right afterward), you’ll benefit from the extra saliva your mouth automatically makes while you’re eating a full meal. This helps rinse away leftover bits of candy and the cavity-causing acids produced by bacteria in your mouth. And never let kids keep candy in their bedroom or snack on candy right before bed or after brushing their teeth. "Never let your head hit the pillow without brushing your teeth or all your hair will fall out." A little lie never hurt Dr. Anderson's kids growing up. (Okay, Cricket is a little off, but I don't think it was cause of that.)


2. Don’t snack on sugar

Frequent snacking can boost your cavity risks, and its double trouble if you choose sugary treats like Halloween candy. Triple trouble if its acidic style candies, anything sour or with that tangy white power.  If you need an energy boost, go for low-sugar options such as nuts, fruit, veggies, or crackers. (Here’s how to read nutrition labels for total sugar content.)  If all else fails - Chocolate. See Chocolate below.


3. Skip sticky or sour candies

Avoid hard candy and sticky, gummy sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time. These can cling to your teeth, elevating cavity risks. Unless they’re sugar-free, it’s a good idea to skip these candies altogether.

Sour candies are high in dietary acids that attack the hard, protective coating on your teeth (enamel). They’re tasty, but they’re some of the worst offenders when it comes to tooth decay. War Head, Sour Patch Kid, Sour Skittles, or any brand you don't recognize are all on the "Dad must steal list." Dr. Anderson just waited until they were distracted or had gone to bed and those were immediately stolen and thrown in the outside trash. (Nick would find them in the kitchen trash)


4. A little chocolate is fine

As sweet treats go, small amounts of chocolate are a decent choice. Chocolate is the most popular kind of Halloween candy, and it doesn’t stick to your teeth as readily as other candies. It is also not acidic like so many other candies. Chocolate dipped in peanut butter is, by far, Dr. Anderson's favorite.


5. Don’t keep a big stash of candy on hand

It’s tempting to keep Halloween or other holiday candy around, but your teeth will thank you if you don’t. Have your family pick their favorites. Throw away or donate the rest. Organizations that send candy to troops overseas, like Operation Gratitude, will be glad to receive your extra supply. At Dr. Anderson's house bribery always worked well. The "Halloween Fairy" or "Tooth Fairy" came after 3 days, and they got cold hard cash for the exchange (Significantly less expensive than even one filling!). There is also the "pig-out" approach: "Eat as much as you want for 2 days then we're throwing away the rest.” This can also work well as a strategy because cavities take several weeks to form.


6. Chew sugar-free gum with the ADA Seal

Enjoying sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating helps prevent tooth decay, because your mouth makes extra saliva as you chew. This cleanses away food and neutralizes cavity-causing acids (and freshens your breath, too). Look for brands that have Xylitol as an ingredient and earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Think Orbit and Trident. Dr. Anderson recommends this all the time, especially for the "Hey keep it down kids" snacks required when driving in the car. 


7. Choose fun giveaways that aren’t candy

At Halloween or anytime, for friends and family (maybe not cool for the Trick-or-Treaters or you'll end up the victim of many tricks) the sweetest gesture might be a longer-lasting item like themed stickers, coloring books and crayons or pens and pencils. There are many great choices you can share with family or party guests. (Keep in mind the age range of children you’re “treating" and have a few options on hand that are rated safe for toddlers or preschoolers.) Fun scary temporary tattoos have been popular for adults and children alike at past Anderson Family Halloween events. 


8. ACT Fluoride Rinse

Use ACT Fluoride Mouth Rinse to help restore enamel damage caused by sugars and acids in Halloween treats. Use every night after brushing for 30-60 days following Halloween for the best results.


Have a super fun and scarry Halloween. (Scary to think one filling costs $229. Knowing that should cause some nightmares.)


Dr. Jonathan Anderson